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cognitive radio systems, communication networks, energy harvesting, wireless networks, News
quadcopter, visualization, News
communications, underwater sensor platform, Underwater Video, News
applied mathematics, connectivity, electrical engineering, networks, News
Autonomous Surface Vehicle, Collision Avoidance, environment, Seminar
electrical engineering, energy security, News
electrical engineering, laser, LED, light, lightfest-2015, News
electrical engineering, light, nanoscale, nanoscience, News
electrical engineering, sensors, News
Applied complexity, Graduate Seminar
Applied complexity, artificial intelligence, biomedical applications, information security, Public Colloquium
inkjet printing technologies, sensor-laden bandage, wearable sensors, News
Graduate Seminar, high-power-density, IMMC, university of jeddah
News Clip, News
antenna arrays, lab-on-a-chip, nonlinear models, RFICs, sensors, News
architecture, HVDC, Novel, Offshore, Thesis Defense, wind
detecting fraudulent sketches, stroke authorship recognition, News
bioscience, communications, electrical engineering, News
chemical science, material science and engineering, metal-organic framework, News
Spotlight, News
Satellite downlink networks, Seminar
Montserrat Ramirez de Angel receiving the Best Pitch Award at IEEE 2024 Sensors Conference
Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Signal Processing, Biosensors, IEEE Awards, IoT, IoT in Healthcare, nanoelectronics, wearable sensors, Awards, News
cloud computing, Collaborative instantly decodable network coding, Cooperative communications, Cross-layer design, cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Device-to-Device Communication, e-learning, IoT, machine learning, performance and optimization modeling, Resource allocation, Wireless communication, wireless resource virtualization
biomimetic sensors, Electrochemical Sensors, electronic material, MIPs, nanostructured materials
Computer Vision, Diffusion Models, Large Language Models, Retrieval-augmented generation
Free Space Optics, Nonlinear Optics, Orbital Angular Momentum, Spatial Mode Multiplexing
Deep learning, image processing, machine learning, optimization, Signal processing
Green communications, Quality of service, Queuing analysis
Human-robot interaction, Rehabilitation, sensors
5G and beyond, UAV-Assisted Cellular and Sensor Networks, Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking
Localization, machine learning
optoelectronic device fabrication, solid-state lighting, Visible light communications
Stochastic Geometry, urban air mobility communications
machine learning, Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems
Biomedical Signal Processing, indoor localization systems, machine learning, Signal processing, Wireless communication
convolutional neural network, data analysis, Deep learning, Human Gait Analysis Applications, Human-robot interaction, Pattern Recognition, Perception, Sensor Fusion
composite magnets, digital circuits, energy harvesting, wireless powering
ADC, Analog circuit design, ASIC, High Performance Low Power Circuits, IC Design, Interface Circuit, low power digital circuit, Mixed-Mode ASIC Design, ROIC, semiconductor, sensors
3D electrodes, Biosensors, MEMS, microfluidics
communication systems, underwater wireless optical networks, wireless sensor networks
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning
communication, Network Design, Signal processing
artificial intelligence, data analysis, machine learning, Python
Adaptive filtering, Cooperative communications
Cognitive radios, energy efficiency, LTE
computational imaging, inverse problems, Low-Complexity Regularization Algorithms for Image Deblurring, machine learning
phased-arrays, Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits, Satellite Communications, system on chip, wireless transceivers
Biosensors, biotechnology, chemical sensors, machine learning, microfabrication
autopilot, drones, Multi-robot Systems, Robotics and Control
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, edge computing, FPGA
body area networks, Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks, NOMA
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications, News
Scientific Writing, Seminar
Public Colloquium
artificial intelligence, Video Understanding, News
embedded systems, energy harvesting, multiphase meters, oil and gas sensors, oil industry, PhD Dissertation Defense
PhD Dissertation Defense
Computer Vision, machine learning, optimization
Computer Vision, ICVSS, Italy, Summer School, News
Evolutionary Algorithm, Parallel and Distributed Computing
Deep learning, EECVC, optimization, News
development of bio-inspired hardware, Neuromorphic Engineering, Online learning, processing applications, spiking neural networks
energy harvesting, inkjet printing, Rectennas
Graduate Seminar
Graduate Seminar, In-memory computing
consumer electronics, IoT, magnetic sensors, PhD Dissertation Defense
advanced semiconductors, Graduate Seminar
Circuit, computation, design, Digital, Graduate Seminar, Low, Microelectromechanical, Power, Sensing
design, Graduate Seminar, Intelligence, Neural, System, Visual
Aerospace, Graduate Seminar, KAUST, research, Systems
flexible electronics, IoT devices, sensor systems, stretchable electronics
electrical engineering, power systems, resiliency
Computer Vision, Deep generative models, machine learning
Ahmed Abdali
magnetics, microfabrication, microfluidics, nanowires, sensors
microfluidics, nano-engineering, nanowires, wearable sensors, Spotlight, News