Graduate Seminar, machine learning |
communication systems, machine learning, Seminar |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, PhD Dissertation Defense, photonics |
Seminar |
artificial intelligence, explainable AI framework, machine learning, Seminar |
Alternative sources of energy, Cognitive radio network |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
electrical engineering, sensors, News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
cognitive radio |
on-chip antennas |
bioelectronics, Implantable devices, Rectifiers, RFICs, wireless powering |
rf signals, Wireless sensors, News |
bioelectronics, Implantable devices, wireless powering, Spotlight, News |
Adaptive communication systems, UAV-based communications, Visible light communications |
Robotics and Control, Robotics Communication, Underwater communication |
Dynamical Systems, Liquid Crystals, non-linear partial differential equations |
microfluidics, nanowires, sensors, News |
electrical engineering, materials science, semiconductors, News |
electrical engineering, electronics, News |
Wireless communication theory |
Metasurfaces, Wireless power transfer |
News |
Computer Vision., IoT, machine learning |
fractional order capacitors, Gas Sensors, memristors, nano fabrication and characterization |
acoustic waves, Graduate Seminar, magnetization |
3D graphics, Scientific Visualization, virtual reality, visualization |
artificial intelligence, development, machine learning, nonlinear, Rehabilitation, Signal processing |
electrical engineering, marine exploration, Sensor networks, News |
electrical engineering, marine science, sensors, News |
electrical engineering, marine science, monitoring, News |
photocatalytic energy conversion |
Communication and Information Theory, Physical layer security |
Flexible electronic devices, flexible electronics, Graduate Seminar |
Aeronautical Sciences, Graduate Seminar |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning, robotics |
global connectivity, post-disaster communications, Stochastic Geometry, UAV communications |
biomedicine, magnetic sensors, sensors fabrication |
emerging memory devices, logic devices, neuromorphic devices |
Measurement, Random Matrix Theory, Wireless Communications, News |
Graduate Seminar, Mechatronics, Synergy, Systems, throughout |
nanoelectronic devices, Neuromorphic Spintronics, News |
News |
News |
cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity, embedded systems, News |
photovoltaics, thermoelectric appliances, News |
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, News |
News |
Unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs, News |
electrical engineering, electronics, News |
Underwater communication, News |
Biosensors, micro and nanofabrication, microelectronics, News |
nanofabrication, semiconductors, News |
News |
magnetic materials, semiconductors, News |
Fractional order elements, Optical communications, News |
News |
semiconductors, News |
Neuromorphic Circuits, News |
Deep learning, machine learning, telecommunication, News |
optoelectronic devices, News |
machine learning, Signal processing, News |
Antennas, Microwave circuits, News |
Optical wireless communications, Signal processing, News |
Antennas, electromagnetics, News |
semiconductors, News |
Seminar |
MIMO digital signal processing, Optical wireless communications, Spatial multiplexing |
Wireless Communications |
COVID-19, electrical engineering, membranes, News |
nano antennas, solar cells |
spin-orbit torque, Spintronics, Spintronics devices, thin films |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, Video Understanding |
antiferromagnetic spintronics, spin orbitronics |
Metaverse Virtual Service Management, Seminar |
5G networks, AI, deep learning, Digital Communications, GSM, MATLAB, Network Design, optical fiber, telecommunication |
computational imaging, Computational Photography |
PhD Dissertation Defense, photocatalytic energy conversion |
Graduate Seminar |
estimation/cancellation in wireless communications, full duplex communication, Terahertz communications |
Graduate Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
electromagnetic bandgap, gap waveguide, Graduate Seminar |
computational electromagnetics, computational physics |
Device-to-Device Communication, Digital Communication, ECC, error correcting codes, NOMA, Optical wireless communications, Wireless communication |
cardiovascular, electrical engineering, sensors, News |