Free-space optical communications, Visible light communications |
Graduate Seminar |
energy harvesting, imaging apparatus, photonics, News |
3D printing, bioimaging, biophotonics, micro-optics, Raman microscopy |
Biosensors, Electrical Characterization, microelectronics, MicroNanofabrication |
energy conversion devices, MOVPE, optoelectronics, Photocatalysis phenomena, solar energy |
electronics, geometrical shapes, integrated circuits, News |
magnetism, MEMS, microfluidics, sensors, transducers, News |
wearable wireless communication, News |
biomedicine, magnetic sensors, sensors fabrication, News |
low power digital circuit, mobile systems, Signal processing, News |
aerospace software system, control systems, News |
News |
News |
News |
News |
corrosion sensors, energy harvesting, magnetic science, magnetic sensors, smart nanoprobes, Spotlight, News |
energy harvesting, flexible electronics, nanofabrication, News |
student research excellence awards, Spotlight, News |
embedded systems, energy harvesting, oil and gas sensors, Spotlight, News |
integrated circuits, MEMS, News |
hydrogen energy, nanomaterials, optoelectronics, News |
control systems, intelligent systems, robotics, News |
electronics, SiGe nanotube FET, Spotlight, News |
underwater video transmission, Underwater wireless optical communication, News |
fellowship, light, OSA, photonics, News |
Control Theory |
environment, orbit access, satellite communication, Seminar |
AlN crystals, Seminar |
nanomaterials, sensors, solar energy |
Manipulation Planning, Reinforcement Learning, Robotic Assembly |
optoelectronics |
News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity, embedded systems, industrial control systems, IoT, resiliency |
Efficient AI, Electronic Design Automation, Generative AI and LLMs, Smart Cities |
Stochastic Geometry, News |
Compressive Sensing, Computer Vision, Deep learning, image and video processing, Reversible networks, Video Understanding |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, generative adversarial network |
News |
computational science, Computer science, engineering, wireless, News |
Quantitative finance, stochastic algorithms |
Applied Machine Learning, Biomedical Signal Processing, embedded systems, Mixed-Mode ASIC Design, sensors |
AI-driven networking, Wireless big data analysis |
Photonics and optoelectronics |
optics, photonics, News |
2D materials, energy harvesting, flexible electronics, nanofabrication, nanophotonics, Perovskites |
IoT, machine learning |
Seminar, UAV |
Cognitive radio network, interference modeling, semiconductor electronics, News |
desalination, filtration, water resources monitoring, News |
Seminar |
Graduate Seminar |
applied mathematics, electrical engineering, light, nanomaterials, News |
fiber optics, Free-space optical communications, luminescent optoelectronics, PhD Dissertation Defense, Underwater wireless optical communication |
communications, computing, Seminar |
compliant electronics, Implantable devices, PhD Dissertation Defense |
News |
News |
News |
Workshop |
Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
artificial intelligence, semantic analysis, UAV, News |
electrical engineering, materials science, nanofabrication, Training, Spotlight |
Adaptive Optics, computational imaging, Computational Photography, Wavefront Sensing |
communications, electrical engineering, IoT, sensors, News |
6G, communication technology, Wireless Communications, News |
Seminar, THz sensing, THz signal source |
Conditional Generative Adversarial Network, Free Space Optics, optical communication technology, PhD Dissertation Defense, Recurrent Neural Network |
Aortic Stiffness Estimation, Arterial Haemodynamics Characterization, PhD Dissertation Defense |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
computational models, PhD Dissertation Defense, resource management, risk assessment |
electrical engineering, Materials, semiconductors, News |
bioengineering, Biosensors, COVID-19, human health, News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
3D fabrication, 3D high-speed printing, CMOS, printed decal sensors, News |
News Clip, News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
nanofabrication, resonator, News |
cyber-physical systems, Workshop |
Study, Info |
News Clip, News |
PhD Dissertation Defense |