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electronics, energy harvesting, nanotechnology, renewable energy
energy, game theory, Seminar
power devices, power module, Shenzhen University, Seminar
Computer Vision, geometric modeling, optimization
Deep learning, IoT, Wireless Communications
antenna design, RFID and sensor design
nano-fabrications, nanotechnology
communications, Gbit/s, light, Visible, Graduate Seminar
photonics, underwater optical communications, Graduate Seminar
PhD Dissertation Defense
bain science, electrical engineering, sensors, News
Georgios Grekas
biomechanics, numerical analysis, scientific computing, solid mechanics
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics
Network Science, Stochastic Geometry, Wireless Communications
Montserrat Ramirez de Angel receiving the Best Pitch Award at IEEE 2024 Sensors Conference
artificial intelligence, bioelectronics, machine learning, sensors, News
attitude determination, GNSS localization, PhD Dissertation Defense
control systems, Electric Vehicles, power electronics, power systems, Smart Grid
News Clip, News
interconnectivity, NDA architecture, News
electronics, Graphene, material science and engineering, News
Computer simulations, machine learning, software development