computational imaging, nanofabrication, optics, optoelectronics |
error-correction coding, Signal processing, Terahertz communications, Wireless Communications |
device fabrication, III-V Semiconductors, Laser Diodes, MOCVD, nanostructures |
IoT, machine learning, UAV, wireless networks |
Wireless Security through Optical Channels |
computational electromagnetics, electromagnetics, High Performance Computing, large-scale simulation, numerical methods, optics, photonics |
artificial intelligence, Intelligent Transportation Systems, IoT, Smart Cities, Wireless Communications |
MIMO detection and decoding, Signal processing, Terahertz communications, Wireless Communications |
magnetic nanowires, nanofabrication, Spintronics |
Deep UV optoelectronic devices, wide bandgap semiconductor |
fabrication, printed antenna design |
AI4Science, Computer Vision, machine learning |
IoT, Large-scale Connectivity, NTN Communication, Stochastic Geometry, Wireless communication |
magnetic devices, semiconductors |
5G antennas, on-chip antennas, Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits |
optical fiber, Photonics and optoelectronics, telecommunication |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, machine learning |
Deep learning, embedded systems, MIMO |
In-memory computing, neuromorphic computing, reconfigurable computing |
Digital Communication, network security |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
Underwater Optical Wireless Communications and Networking |
intelligent systems, robotics |
Substrate Integrated Waveguide |
Cognitive Radio Antennas, Reconfigurable Antennas, Small Antennas |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
6g wireless systems, cloud- and fog-radio access networks, Cooperative networks, cross-layer optimization, machine learning, Optical communications |
biomedical electronics, Communication Theory, image processing, satellite communication, Signal processing |
geometric diodes, Graphene, nano devices, semiconductors, Thz rectennas |
Cognitive radio network, Green communications, Queueing theory, Stochastic Geometry |
FPGA, integrated circuits |
Huawei, Mobily Networks, Wireless Communications |
communication systems, FSO systems |
Georgia Tech, sensors |
Millimeter wave networks, Performance analysis of wireless communication systems, Physical layer security |
heterogeneous integrated optical chip, high-speed electro-optic modulator, LiDAR |
Materials, nanoelectronics, nanofabrication, thin film deposition |
ICS, integrated circuits, MEMS, NEMS |
mathematics, modeling, Programming language |
Embedded systems., Non-Terrestrial Networks |
Asymptotic Performance Analysis, machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, Ultra-Massive MIMO, Visible light communications, Wireless Communications |
GaN/InGaN nanowire |
LED, power electronic device, vertical-cavity surface emitting laser |
Energy converting, nanomaterials, optoelectronics |
Hand Gestures Recognition, Indoor localization |
Optimization about power allocation, Performance analysis on wireless communications, spatial modulation, Stochastic Geometry |
electronics, energy storage, nanomaterials, sensors |
KACARE, renewable energy, SABIC, SAFCO, structural design |
machine learning, Next generation wireless communications |
beamforming, haps, interference management, nr-u, prototyping, tochnologies coexistence |
Mechanics, mechatronic systems, MEMS, robotics |