machine learning, Wireless communication |
communication networks, Optical communications, optical wireless communicaitons, photonics |
optoelectronics, power electronics, wide bandgap semiconductor |
algorithms, Analysis of Supervised Learning Algorithms, Random Matrix Theory, Regularized Discriminant Analysis |
haps, ISAC, Non-Terrestrial Networks |
6G On-chip reconfigurable intelligent surface |
attitude determination, GNSS localization |
Controller design, membrane distillation system, Model Predictive Control |
Digital signal processing, Physical layer security |
computational imaging, micro and nanofabrication, phase retrieval |
Photonics and optoelectronics |
Signal processing |
cadence, Comsol Multiphysics, device fabrication, digital logic design, MEMS |
dynamic structures, learning method over complex, Low-complexity and energy-efficient VLSI signal processing system design, Wireless Communication and Signal Processing |