gene ontology, multiomics data integration, Wasserstein distance, Seminar |
Bioelectromagnetic systems, Neuroprosthetics, Technical challenges, Seminar |
communication engineering, Seminar |
News Clip, News |
antenna arrays, lab-on-a-chip, sensors, News |
nanolasers, plasmonics, News |
News Clip, News |
6G, atmospheric turbulence, pointing errors, News |
Adaptive communication systems, Massive MIMO Systems, Seminar |
Next generation wireless communications, Signal processing |
Antennas, Microwave circuits, printed electronics |
data analysis, MATLAB, Programming language, Web Technologies |
communications, electrical engineering, marine science, underwater camera, underwater sensor, News |
artificial intelligence, control systems engineering, robotics |
5th generation cellular, Federal University of Ceará, Seminar |
Non-Terrestrial Networks, Seminar |
game theory, Multi-robot Systems, robotics |
electromagnetics, Signal processing |
control systems, intelligent systems, RISC, robotics |
News |
drones, robotics |
News Clip, News |
Neuromorphic Circuits, Systems Neural Network Architectures |
optical wireless communicaitons, optoelectronics |
AI, communication systems, IoT |
computational Complexity, Convex Gaussian Min-max theorem, linear systems, Graduate Seminar |
The University of Jordan, Seminar |
PhD Dissertation Defense |
Graduate Seminar |
Modules, Radio-frequency switches, stimuli, News |
News Clip, News |
FSO systems, nter-Satellite Communications, PNT, satellite communication, Workshop |
nanoscale, Optical chip, optics, News |
organic electronics, Graduate Seminar |
News |
Next-generation Wireless Networks, Optical Wireless Communication |
5G/6G, IoT, networks and wireless communications, statistical signal processing, Stochastic Geometry, Unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs enabled wireless networks, wireless sensor networks |
Optical Wireless Communication, Security and Privacy, wireless networks |
Nanoclusters, optoelectronics, Perovskites, Quantum Dots, solar cells |
control systems engineering, HVDC, modeling, power systems, renewable energy systems, simulation |
cloud computing, Communication Theory, Distributed algorithms, Image coding, Optimization theory and applications |
News |
News |
optical engineering, Optical wireless communications, optics, photodetector, photonics, radio frequency communication, News |
bioscience, diabetes, health monitoring, sensors, News |
Backstepping, TU Ilmenau, Course |
Partial Differential Equations, Course |
linear parabolic PDEs, Lyapunov methods, parabolic-hyperbolic PDE, Partial Differential Equations, Course |
linear parabolic PDEs, Lyapunov methods, parabolic-hyperbolic PDE, Partial Differential Equations, Course |
Backstepping, Lyapunov Theory, TU Ilmenau, Course |
Partial Differential Equations, Course |
linear parabolic PDEs, Lyapunov methods, parabolic-hyperbolic PDE, Partial Differential Equations, Course |
linear parabolic PDEs, Lyapunov methods, parabolic-hyperbolic PDE, Partial Differential Equations, Course |
Partial Differential Equations, Course |
Nonlinear Optics, Plasmonic Metasurface |
quantum computing, Graduate Seminar |
communications, data security, electrical engineering, News |
artificial intelligence, big data, cloud services, PhD Dissertation Defense |
5th generation cellular, FD-MIMO, Marconi Prize, mobile phones, transmissin technology, Young Scholar Awards, Spotlight, News |
device fabrication |
image processing, machine learning, semi-classical signal analysis, Signal processing |
electrical engineering, material science and engineering, nanotechnology, News |
satellite communication, PhD Dissertation Defense |
Free Space Optics, PhD Dissertation Defense |
artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, electrical engineering, sensors, News |
applied mathematics, computational methods, MATLAB, Signal processing |
data science, high dimensional statistics, machine learning, Spotlight, News |
embedded systems, energy harvesting, oil and gas sensors, sensors, News |
News |
photonic crystals, photonics, News |
student award, Spotlight, Awards, News |
inkjet printing technologies, nanomaterials, News |
Dielectric-GaN interfaces, GaN-based electronics, Metal-GaN interfaces, PhD Dissertation Defense |
communications tracking, Distribution Agnostic Bayesian Estimation of Sparse Signals, statistical signal processing, Spotlight, News |
microfluidics, nanowires, sensors, News |
magnetic nanowires, nanofabrication, Spintronics, Spotlight, News |
Disordered Plasmonics and Complex Metamaterials, Spotlight, News |
flexible electronics, sensors, News |
hydrogen fuel, nanomaterials, photoelectrochemistry, student award, News |
interships, photonics, Science Camp |
Research |
photonics, remote sensing, Tutorial |
Graduate Seminar |
News |
5G and beyond, Cognitive radio network, IoT, Seminar |
Physical Layer, Seminar |
News |
food pathogens, ultraviolet wavelengths, UV LED, Spotlight, Awards, News |
5G, Seminar |
agriculture, Biosensors, electrical engineering, plant science, News |
IoE, IoT, stretchable electronics, News |
Seminar |
6G, Wireless Communications, News |
point processes, stochastic models, Seminar |
healthcare innovation, Point of Care devices, Graduate Seminar |