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communication, control, Optical, Pointing, tracking, Trajectory, wireless, Graduate Seminar
Cross-layer protocol design, Energy-efficient wireless multihop networks, Spotlight, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
Applications, electronics, Offshore, Power, Wind Farms, Graduate Seminar
News Clip, News
Galileo, GPS, IRNSS, PPP-RTK, QZSS, Seminar
Free Space Optics, Hardware impairments, Performance analysis
Present and Future of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered Communications, Graduate Seminar
flexible electronics, News
Awards, News
Multi-Agent Decision Making, Graduate Seminar
cognitive radio systems, communications, FD-MIMO, News
energy harvesting, imaging apparatus, photonics, Spotlight, News
RFICs, sensors, News
computational electromagnetics, optics, time-domain integral-equations, News
CMOS, flexible, nanoelectronics, Spotlight, News
antenna arrays, lab-on-a-chip, sensors, Spotlight, News
antenna arrays, lab-on-a-chip, sensors, News
CMOS, flexible, nanoelectronics, News
CMOS, flexible, nanoelectronics, News
communications, energy harvesting, wireless networks, News
antenna arrays, sensors, wireless communications network, Spotlight, News
chaotic systems, Memory, memristors, News
Awards, News
Spotlight, News
Antennas, wireless sensors networks, Awards, News
computational electromagnetics, optics, News
biophotonics, semiconductor laser
memory devices, solar cells, News
communications, machine learning, mobile computing, NAI, wireless sensors networks, News
Awards, News
Awards, News
big data, machine learning, Spotlight, Awards, News
CMOS, nanoelectronics, Spotlight, News
COVID-19, distance learning, innovation, News
magnetism, sensors, transducers, News
antenna arrays, lab-on-a-chip, sensors, News
sensors, transducers, Spotlight, News
control systems, modeling, signal analysis, News
control systems, modeling, signal analysis, News
control systems, modeling, signal analysis, News
optics, photonics, News
intelligent systems, robotics, News
RFICs, sensors, News
intelligent systems, robotics, Spotlight, News
Awards, News
Spotlight, News
Study, Info
ultra-wideband, Graduate Seminar
lab-on-a-chip, sensors, single readout technique, News
advanced materials, materials science, wiley, Seminar
biomedical signal analysis, MIMIC II database, PhD Dissertation Defense
electrical engineering, material science, News
machine learning, sensors, supercomputing, News
body area networks, Channel modeling, circuit design
Computational Photography, Deep learning, HDR Imaging, optics, optimization, robotics, Time-of-flight and transient imaging
Computer Vision, machine learning, optimization
PhD Dissertation Defense
Channel modeling, Massive MIMO Systems, Next Generation Wireless Communication Systems, Random Matrix Theory
healthcare, Radio frequency devices, sensor, Graduate Seminar
Mathematical Methods for Finance, STK Capital
Bio-inspired luminescent material, Deep UV optoelectronic devices, semiconductors
Raman characterization in Nitride, Graduate Seminar
biophotonics, flexible electronics
Rana Aleryani CEMSE KAUST
Academic Operations, Higher Education, Student Support
data science, high dimensional statistics, machine learning, Random Matrix Theory, PhD Dissertation Defense
IoT, machine learning, software development
bioelectronics, body area networks
Germany, Ruhr-University Bochum, Seminar
next-generation communication systems, optical communication, optimization in sensor networks, Wireless communication theory
Computer architecture, integrated system technology and design, system on chip, wireless communications network
Computer architecture, system on chip, wireless communications network, News
Micro-and Nano-Fabrication Techniques of Complex Photonic Devices, Seminar
analog design optimization, Recent, sensor, Graduate Seminar
sparse array, Tutorial
Graduate Seminar
Aeronautical Sciences, Insect Flight, New Theory of Lift, Seminar
5G and beyond, Next-Generation Networks, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, PhD Dissertation Defense
electrical engineering, LED, News
CMOS, electronics, Redesigning, Graduate Seminar
Imaging, Optical sensors, optoelectronics
sensors, student focus, News
MEMS IC design and fabrication, novel devices
bioelectronics, Biosensors, Wireless sensors design
artificial intelligence, complex models, Computer science, machine learning, reliability testing, reproducibility issues, scientific enterprise, Workshop
artificial intelligence, complex models, Computer science, machine learning, reliability testing, reproducibility issues, scientific enterprise, Workshop
artificial intelligence, complex models, Computer science, machine learning, reliability testing, reproducibility issues, scientific enterprise, Workshop