Green communications, Visible light communications |
Coding theory, Free-space optical communications, Information theory, Relay networks |
bioelectronics, energy efficiency, IoT, power electronics, Sensing |
energy harvesting, imaging apparatus, intelligent lasers, photonics |
microwave biosensor, microwave resonator |
Action understanding, AI4Science, Continual Learning, Multimodal learning, Visual Language Models |
intelligent systems, robotics |
Wireless power transfer |
Control Theory, Estimation |
Reinforcement Learning, Stochastic Geometry, wireless network |
Electron Transport, microelectronics |
control, Mobile robotics, robotics, Robotics manipulators |
intelligent systems, robotics |
nanowires, OLEDs |
machine learning, Mechanical Engineering, robotics |
Ultra-wide band Fractal Antennas |
Control Theory, Controller design, Fractional calculus, inverse problems |
Controller design, Free Space Optics, modeling, Signal processing |
Deep learning, Digital signal processing, Machine learning applications for wireless communication systems, Resource allocation |
fabrication of a serpentine, silicon-based reconfigurable electronic platform |
additive manufacturing, Antennas, Microwave circuits, sensors |
machine learning, reconfigurable computing |
Compressive Sensing, high dimensional statistics, mathematical optimization, statistical learning, statistical signal processing, Wireless Communications |
AI, Computer Vision, Deep learning, Reinforcement Learning |
biotechnology, healthcare |
control systems, dynamical modeling, Multi-agent systems, robotics, Time Scale Theory |
Networekd Flying Platforms, NOMA, Vehicular Communications |
acoustic signal processing, Remote Operation Vehicles, Underwater acoustic and optical communication |
Underwater communication |
Analog circuits, RF engineering, Signal processing |
communication networks, communications |
2D materials, sensors |
automation and embedded systems design, communication systems, machine learning, mobile applications development, Signal processing, web development |
inkjet printing, RFID |
Desing of UAV-based Wireless Networks, wireless networks |
inkjet-printed antennas |
artificial intelligence, machine learning, semantic analysis, UAV |
molecular spectroscopy, Optical sensors |
photonics |
Mechatronics, Multi-robot Systems, Robotics and Control, Unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs |
cyber-physical systems, Nonlinear programming, Signal processing |
optics, photonics |
optical frequency combs, quantum-dot lasers |
additive manufacturing, intelligent systems, robotics |
Free-space optical communications, Visible light communications |
3D printing, bioimaging, biophotonics, micro-optics, Raman microscopy |
Biosensors, Electrical Characterization, microelectronics, MicroNanofabrication |
energy conversion devices, MOVPE, optoelectronics, Photocatalysis phenomena, solar energy |
Control Theory |
nanomaterials, sensors, solar energy |
Manipulation Planning, Reinforcement Learning, Robotic Assembly |
optoelectronics |
cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity, embedded systems, industrial control systems, IoT, resiliency |
Efficient AI, Electronic Design Automation, Generative AI and LLMs, Smart Cities |
Compressive Sensing, Computer Vision, Deep learning, image and video processing, Reversible networks, Video Understanding |
Computer Vision, Deep learning, generative adversarial network |
Quantitative finance, stochastic algorithms |
Applied Machine Learning, Biomedical Signal Processing, embedded systems, Mixed-Mode ASIC Design, sensors |
AI-driven networking, Wireless big data analysis |
Photonics and optoelectronics |
2D materials, energy harvesting, flexible electronics, nanofabrication, nanophotonics, Perovskites |
IoT, machine learning |
Adaptive Optics, computational imaging, Computational Photography, Wavefront Sensing |
MOVPE, optoelectronics, photocatalysis, plasmonics, solar energy |
optics |
EPFL, photonics, Quantum Measurements |
Mathematical Finance, MIMO Antenna Selection, Stochastic processes |
nanofabrication, printed electronics |
computational bioscience, epigenetics, functional biology, genomics, machine learning |
Biosensors, body area networks, health effects, magnetism |
device design, nanofabrication, optoelectronics, Python, semiconductors |
memristor, neuromorphic computing |
control systems engineering |
electronic integrated devices |
Aluminium nitride, Gallium oxide, Transistors, Ultrawide bandgap materials |
autonomous driving, Deep learning, Neuromorphic Vision, Object detection |
cybersecurity, hardware security, Spintronics, VLSI |
Free Space Optics, optical wireless communication systems, Orbital Angular Momentum, Spatial Mode Multiplexing |
Cross-layer design, intelligent systems, robotics, Dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio networks |
High throughput satellite systems, MIMO beamforming systems |
computational electromagnetics, volume integral equation |
Deep learning, Mathematical modeling |
Applications of compressive sensing for PAPR reduction in OFDM, deep learning approaches, machine learning, multi-modal transformer models, optimization, program synthesis |