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effective estimation methods, health monitoring, non-measurable variables, optimization, sustainable desalination, virtual sensors, Graduate Seminar
Computer science, human health, modeling, pathogens, News
communications, vlc, Graduate Seminar
Visible light communications, Seminar
machine learning, Visible light communications, Seminar
vlc, Seminar
Visible light emitting diodes for next generation displays, Graduate Seminar
hydrogen energy, nanomaterials, optoelectronics, News
electronics, Gas Sensors, photonics, Spotlight, News
Wireless communication
bandwidth allocation, Channel modeling, mmWave/Terahertz communications
material fabrication, memristive crossbar arrays, Seminar
KACARE, nanotechnology, TAQNIA
machine learning, Signal processing
Coding and information theory, Lattice theory
Capacity analysis of wireless systems, Secure communications
Functional, Materials, waves, Graduate Seminar
Waves Functional Materials, Graduate Seminar
Metasurfaces, Wave functional materials, Graduate Seminar
Cognitive radio network, Cooperative relay network, Embedded system developing, MPLS network
cloud-radio access, Fog-Radio Access, Seminar
flexible electronics, nanofabrication, sensors, wearable devices
diodes, Electromagnetic metamaterials, printed electronics
electronics, thin-film transistors, News
electrical engineering, IoT, materials science, wearables, News
Control Theory, Controller design, Time-scale calculus
Photonics and optoelectronics
Photonics and optoelectronics
brain-inspired computation, material based gas sensing, spiking neural networks
UV Communications, Seminar
Linear, neural network, Seminar
extreme gradient boosting, light gradient boosting machine, machine learning, PhD Dissertation Defense
Phased arrays design, Telecommunications, Wireless Technology, Graduate Seminar
cloud computing, edge computing, IoT, NFV, SDN
electrical engineering, thermal conductivity, Thermoelectric materials, News
FSO systems, Seminar
electrical engineering, News
PhD Dissertation Defense
Cross-layer protocol design, Energy-efficient wireless multihop networks, Stochastic Geometry, News
game theory, Heterogeneous networks, machine learning, Seminar
energy harvesting, Wireless power transfer, Seminar
Computational Photography, computer graphics, inverse methods, optics
flexible, nanoelectronics, sensors, News
machine learning, Wireless communication
communication networks, Optical communications, optical wireless communicaitons, photonics
optoelectronics, power electronics, wide bandgap semiconductor
algorithms, Analysis of Supervised Learning Algorithms, Random Matrix Theory, Regularized Discriminant Analysis
attitude determination, GNSS localization
Controller design, membrane distillation system, Model Predictive Control
Digital signal processing, Physical layer security
computational imaging, micro and nanofabrication, phase retrieval
Photonics and optoelectronics
Signal processing
cadence, Comsol Multiphysics, device fabrication, digital logic design, MEMS
dynamic structures, learning method over complex, Low-complexity and energy-efficient VLSI signal processing system design, Wireless Communication and Signal Processing
antenna design, MEMS, nanophotonics, nanotechnology
energy flexibility, power systems
game theory, Physical layer security, Signal processing, Wireless communication
Wireless communication
artificial intelligence, Generative AI and LLMs
Aerial Robotics, Control Theory, Controller design, Dynamical Systems, Estimation, machine learning algorithm
artificial intelligence, machine learning, software
semiconductor optoelectronic devices
Biosensors, energy harvesting, Optical Wireless Communication, photonics, quantum information processing
RFIC design and analysis
Multi-hop communication systems
Autonomous system, Control Theory, Flight Dynamics
large languaje models, machine learning, Trustworthy AI
additive manufacturing, Antennas, Metasurfaces, Microwave circuits, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
laser, optical interconnects
Acoustics, metamaterials, phononics, wave propagation
Massive MIMO, wireless sensor networks
Wireless localization
Electrically Small Antenna Design
communications, wireless networks
consumer electronics, IoT, magnetic sensors