ML Hub Seminar Series | The Machine Learning (ML) Hub Bernard Ghanem, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Feb 13, 12:00 - 13:00 B9 H2 R2325 machine learning The Machine Learning Hub @ KAUST is designed to be the one-stop-shop for machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) at KAUST. It is an informal forum for exchanging ideas in these areas, including (but not limited to) theoretical foundations, systems, tools, and applications. It will be providing several offerings to the KAUST community interested in ML and AI, including a regular seminar series where new research in the field is presented, an online social forum dedicated to AI and ML discussions, announcements, brainstorming, collaborations, and hands-on activities (e.g
Biomedical Signal Processing using the Squared Eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger Operator and Machine Learning Abderrazak Chahid, Ph.D. Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering Jan 24, 13:00 - 15:00 B1 B4 B4214 Signal processing machine learning image processing biomedicine Abstract The health of a human body is monitored through several physiological measurements such as the heart rate, the blood pressure, the oxygen saturation levels, brain activity, etc. These measurements are taken at predefined points in the body and recorded as temporal signals or colorful images. During the diagnosis phase, physicians analyze these records visually (sometimes it is not visual with the progress in medicine, better to say: sometimes visually) to take treatment decisions. These records are usually contaminated with noise. The origin of this noise may be diverse. For instance
Network Engineering as Distinct Academic Discipline Beyond the TEE Movement Professor Tarek Al-bawab, Jackson State University Dec 19, 14:00 - 16:00 B1 B3 R3119 Network Engineering communications Abstract: Network Engineering as Distinct Academic Discipline Beyond the TEE Movement Network Engineering is now recognized as distinct education discipline in the USA and in many other countries. This development came about with ABET’s1 2015 (current) Criteria for Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Programs. Few academic programs focused on this area of study in the past. More programs are expected to emerge now with progress in this field and with ABET recognition of it. Such programs have a great potential to prepare a new generation
Electrocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Conversion of Energy and Fuels and Storing Solar Energy in Solar Flow Batteries Professor Song Jin, University of Wisconsin-Madison Nov 4, 14:00 - 15:00 B2 L5 R5220 solar energy photoelectrochemical electrocatalytic Due to the intermittent nature of most renewable energy sources (such as solar and wind), practical large scale renewable energy deployment and utilization demand both efficient energy conversion and large scale energy storage or alternative usage. Earth-abundant but highly active electrocatalysts need to be developed to enable efficient and sustainable production of energy using electrocatalytic and photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting. We report nanostructures of earth-abundant electrocatalysts, such as exfoliated nanosheets of MoS2, WS2, MoSe2, for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER
EE Seminar: AMMONO-GaN: ultimate substrate solution for energy saving GaN power electronics Dr. Robert Dwiliński (University of Warsaw, Poland) Oct 10, 15:00 - 16:00 B3 L5 R5220 photonics Bulk gallium nitride (GaN) crystals are regarded as the most promising candidates for substrates for optoelectronic, high power and high frequency electronic devices. After dacedes of extensive research on a numer of methods incluging HNPS, HVPE and Flux - ammonothermal (AMMONO) method of bulk GaN growth offers the best combination of crystal quality and size, within foreseen scalability able to meet huge demands of lighting and power electronic markets. Developed as analogy of hydrothermal method commonly used for multi-ton production of synthetic quartz, AMMONO method currently provides 2-inch crystals of excellent structural properties and wide spectrum of electrical parameters.