News Article Content - (D)

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3 (1) | 5 (1) | 6 (1) | A (41) | B (16) | C (42) | D (27) | E (14) | F (16) | G (5) | H (11) | I (12) | J (4) | K (97) | L (10) | M (48) | N (15) | O (8) | P (75) | R (12) | S (45) | T (41) | U (4) | V (4) | W (7) | X (1) | (1)
metamaterials, photocatalysis, plasmon resonance, News
News Clip, News
engineering, marine science, mechanical, robot, News
gold nanosphere, nanoparticles, News
CMOS, flexible, magnetism, nanoelectronics, sensors, transducers, News
CMOS, flexible, nanoelectronics, News
bioscience, Biosensors, metabolite detection, News
6G, Wireless Communications, News
MEMS, next-generation computing, ultra-low power circuit design, News
electrical engineering, nanofabrication, sensors, News
artificial intelligence, communications, Computer science, electrical engineering, News
IEEE, photonic, silicon, silicon-based photodetectors, News
OFET, Sandeep, Transistors, News
RFICs, sensors, Spotlight, News
communication networks, communications, Low complexity sphere decoding, MIMO and Passive radar, MIMO-radar waveform design, Spotlight, News
Cognitive radio network, Green communications, Stochastic Geometry, News
cognitive radio systems, Green communications, Stochastic Geometry, News
Cognitive and sensor radio networks, Performance limits at low power regime, Physical layer security, News
bioscience, electrical engineering, light, News
communications, electrical engineering, IoT, News
Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow, News